[Founder Feature@TC] April 2019

Name: Ricky Willianto, Founder, 30yo, Indonesian

Technopreneur Circle member: Since May 2018

Company: Ravenry (InfoTech)

Website: www.theravenry.com

Fun facts about me:

I have travelled in a bulletproof car in complete darkness through a forest in Indonesia known for its guerrilla fighters just to get to a client’s site. This happened to me a dozen of times because I always managed to miss the chartered helicopter organised by the client (usually due to poor weather conditions). Until today, I still wish for an opportunity to be on one of those choppers!

The company under 20 words:

Ravenry solves problems related to the Future of Work — an on-demand research platform that answers any business questions in 48hrs.

What my company name & logo means:

The logo was inspired by Odin’s ravens from the Norse mythology. The two ravens — Huginn, representing logic and Muninn, representing memory — fly around the world and report what they see to Odin. Together, they represent knowledge. Just like these ravens, our core activity is to help our clients find insights quickly. This is why we thought the name Ravenry was apt for what we are building.

Why I started the company & my journey so far:

The company was started in April 2018. My motivation was mainly to develop a platform that will enable people to do knowledge work in an environment that embodies elements of the Future of Work i.e. remote working, flexible hours, freedom to choose your projects, etc. At the same time, I noticed that businesses have trouble making sense of information and data, and that there is opportunity to make this process more efficient. Since I did not see anyone tackling this particular intersection of problems, I decided to persuade my now co-founder to build a solution ourselves.

In less than 1 year, we have completed more than 350 projects for more than 3 dozen global clients. We are fortunate to be able to name companies like Yahoo, Toshiba, and Innosight as our clients. Within the same period of time, we have also grown our team from two to eight people, and managed to set up a new office in Jakarta.

Shout-out to myself (and perhaps other entrepreneurs):

I always ask myself “what’s the worst that can happen” before taking big risks, like jumping into entrepreneurship. This question prepares me for the worst case scenarios and gives me the courage to make those calls.

My biggest fear is to not live up to my fullest potential. Compared to that, most of the risks I have taken was not really that scary.

I’m currently looking for:

Investors, Mentors / Advisors, Partners, Talents (team members)

You can reach me @


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